Desert X : Phillip K. Smith

Phillip K. Smith’s  The Circle of Land and Sky, appealed to me the most out of the several artists in DesertX; although it was a close tie between him and Doug Aitken due to the related medium. I chose Smith because of the story he told about the relationship between the Earth, sky, and horizon. The idea of never seeing the same image twice due to the slight change of each reflector is very interesting. It makes you think about how little something can change your view of something. And even his use of mirrors can affect the concept because you are actually seeing the opposite to what you would see if you were looking directly at it. The mirror depicts the existing world and its opposite. I also chose Smith because I have seen many of his past installations and have always been intrigued by his use of mirror. He actually inspired me to create my own installation painting which included mirrors.

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